Genscape’s Generation Fuel Monitor Report
Don’t be left in the dark on the latest trends in fuel switching in the power generation market.
Take advantage of Genscape’s thousands of patented and high-tech in-the-field energy monitors and the models built by Genscape’s analysts to view daily fuel consumption at US power plants for all power sector fuels: coal, gas, hydro, wind, nuclear – even oil.
This proprietary network of real-time energy monitors – over a decade in the making – and associated models will allow you to:
- Benchmark your gas storage and other gas models with a higher degree of accuracy because Genscape’s proprietary monitoring captures 63 (and growing) gas-fired power plants not captured in public gas nomination data
- Access complete data for all fuel types months in advance of EIA data, enabling analysis of inter-fuel relationships and seasonal trends – something no other company can provide
- View multiple fuel types in consistent comparable units (e.g. MMBTU for coal & gas and MWH for coal, gas, nuclear, renewables, and oil) – again something not offered by any other firm
- Visually understand where and to what extent gas is displacing coal or vice versa using our exclusive coal-to-gas-pricing-parity analysis
- Replace weekly EEI electricity demand estimates with Genscape’s more informed numbers on Total US Electricity Demand
- Also available: Daily data via a web-based query tool
What was the gas burn for last week? At current gas prices, what coal type is at risk of being displaced? Is fuel switching happening – or is it simply increases in power demand? Genscape provides the answers.
Stacked National Fuel burn chart shows TOTAL US ELECTRICITY DEMAND by each independent fuel type
Click here to view a sample of Genscape’s Fuel Monitor Report.

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